Clean Beauty

Episode 60 | How Toxin-Free Living Actually Affects Your Health

We’re finally doing it, digging into the nitty gritty of environmental toxins–the cold, hard facts about chemicals within the beauty and skincare industries in the US, ways these chemicals get into our bodies and how they reveal their nasty little side effects and affect our health.

The episode is not for the faint of heart, we definitely go deeper than usual and use some big words, but we break it down, explain the buzz words and connect it all to real life (like how it affects babies in utero, how you experience their effects and more).

Our goal is not to scare you, rather to empower you to be an advocate for your own health, to be able to make decisions that affect positive change within your health journey and create more balance and beauty within your life. No stress, just steps forward. Know better, do better, right?

Don’t forget that November 30 is the last day to enter to win our conscious holiday gift basket. Don’t worry, we made it super simple for you! Head to the purple podcast app on your phone or the iTunes store and write a review for the Colorful Eats podcast! That’s it! You’ll automatically be entered to win. We’ll announce the lucky winner during Episode 61, airing December 4, so make sure to stay tuned!

Highlight Reel:

10:55 | How side effects of toxin exposure can reveal themselves in your life (aka symptoms)

16:18 | Endocrine disruptors and how they affect your hormones

20:38 | Heavy metals and your beauty routine

27:32 | The toxin-skin connection and hormonal acne

33:25 | Why “natural” isn’t always enough

38:02 | Sourcing vs safety – what these buzz words really mean

Download Episode 60 in iTunes!

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