Real Talk: Body After Two Babies + Why You Won't See a "Before + After" Pic

Real Talk: My Body After Two Babies

A few weeks ago I was getting out of the shower and glanced into the mirror as I was stepping out. I found myself standing up straight and starring, taking it all in. I pushed my shoulders back and smiled gently. Wow. What a beautiful body. 

Not because I have rock hard abs and a tight butt...because let’s be clear–I do not. Not at this moment in time. But that’s not the source of its beauty. 

There’s definitely more fluff and less muscle tone these days. My low back aches and my left arm and neck are super tight from holding my youngest while one handedly making dinner or wiping my first borns butt. Yah. I went there. You know exactly what I’m talking about! I have so much less time and space within my day to move my body and I struggle big time with this.

But these days, I find beauty in what my body has accomplished. Where it’s been and what it’s taken me through. My body has done some pretty damn incredible things and I am just in-awe.

This body has created two little lives from scratch (and healed from two babies lost), grown a brand new organ (hello placenta!)...twice, labored and birthed these babies at home and single handedly nourished their precious bodies with breast milk that my body made from scratch from day 1 of life. 

I mean, is there anything more powerful, miraculous and awe-inspiring than that!? I think not. But that’s just my personal opinion. 

I used to find beauty in the shape of my body, the flatness of my stomach and thinness of my arms. How I felt about myself was dependent on so many unimportant factors, specifically what (or how little) I ate, how hard my workouts were or what others thought about my body. Thinking back, this was a pretty lonely place and I found so little joy in the gift that is my body. 

Motherhood has changed me (and in so many more ways than just my body image). I see my body so differently today. 

Mind you, I have a very different perspective on health, food, women’s bodies, thinness, fitness (etc.) than I had even just a few years ago. There is so much more grace, love and understanding mixed into their areas. Oh it has been such a journey, but the freedom is so worth it. 

As a new mom, I found myself wondering how long it would take to lose the “baby weight” or how long it would be before I “got my body back”.

Can you relate?

I believe these thoughts have been ingrained in me from a society that praises thinness, celebrities who don’t show their faces in the media until they’ve worked off every single pound and Instagram accounts with mom bloggers who seem to bounce back overnight. 

If I’m being super duper honest with you, sometimes I still find myself pinching my rolls while I’m sitting down to pee or wincing at my arms in a photo. Old habits die hard my friend.

But I know better. And I have a deep desire to empower women with the fact that there is so much more going on in a postpartum mom bod than anyone is talking about. We are all individually created, with different birth stories, healing times, nutritional needs, metabolisms and more. There is not a single women just like you. You were fearfully and wonderfully made and I can promise you God made no mistakes when He created you. 

The postpartum period, which I believe a woman can sit in for 1-2 years depending on their health, can be one of the most trying times in a woman’s entire life, both physically and emotionally. And how we care for and nourish our bodies can either make or break our experience, even years later. 

So when I see newer mamas dieting, exercising like mad and comparing their bodies to others, it kind of breaks my heart. 

Because I know how hard it can be, with all the sleepless nights, hours spent nursing or bottle feeding, meals missed because you’re cuddling your sleepy baby, showers missed because you’re putting everyone else’s needs first or the down-right overwhelmed, breakdown moments that can come in the first year of baby’s life. It’s hard as hell and adding that body image piece to the table can just throw a mama into crazy town. 

I actually thought about taking a photo, in that moment I found myself smiling at this incredible body of mine, and posting about my postpartum journey. Sharing all the ways I’ve worked to nourish my body, how proud I am of what it’s accomplished, how imperfect it is yet still so amazing and how I’ve gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight, with food alone. 

But then I chewed on that thought for a few moments. How would that photo make other women feel, maybe a woman who was about the same amount of months postpartum that was struggling with her own body image? 

Even with the best of intentions, this body photo would have the ability to produce a plethora of negative emotions for the postpartum mama receiving it. And I am just not about that. 

Because honestly, I’d love to stop this comparison game we women all like to play at times. Especially the postpartum mama.

I want to remind you, beautiful mama, that your body is so incredible and it is so perfectly unique. One of the most important things you can do for yourself, your baby and your family is nourish your body with nutrient dense whole foods, practice gentle self-care and pay attention to your body and it’s needs so you can share with your spouse or practitioner if you need additional support.  

I also want to challenge you to celebrate your body–what it’s done and how it serves you each and every day. If you are dealing with health challenges during this season, remember that these symptoms are your body’s way of crying out for help, whether that be in nutrient form, physical therapy, chiropractic care, mental health support, etc. It’s OK to ask for help, in fact, it’s encouraged. 

So, this is my way of going against the grain...not sharing my one year body progress pic. Today, I choose to celebrate my amazing body and allow you to celebrate yours, wherever you are at along your postpartum journey!

Lots of healthy love mama,
